Hey Jimmy, its that annoying little ginger friend of Lozza's here! Just thought I'd drop by to say that I am immensely proud of Loz and how strong she's staying, and reckon you'd be proud too. We had a great day at the McGilly Cup, altho me and Loz can't take much credit for how good it was (we just loitered by the side eating all of the delicious food your wife had prepared!). Your mates went to such efforts as well, I guess its a reflection of how much they miss you too. Just wanted you to know that I still have a little giggle at some of the memories I have of being at Stringer... Like when I'd ring Loz but end up having a 20 min conversation with you (with Loz squealing in the background trying to get the phone off you and stop embarrassing her!)... Or the fashion parades?! Haha. Wherever you are now Jimmy, I hope its beautiful and peaceful, and that you're still able to share the good and bad times with all these people that obviously love you immensely. I see you in Loz all the time which makes me think that you are :) Love always Jess xxx