Sent by Lorraine Thompson, 16/03/2010

Hi Karen, First of all, I would like to say how deeply sorry I am to hear of your darling Jimmy and how touched I was to read your message. It is still such a short time for you and you do have a long road ahead but you will get there with Jimmy’s guidance, and support through family & friends. I truly believe Paul and Jimmy are watching over us - that still keeps me going. It is coming up 13 years in July and still as painful at times, but even through the tears I am smiling as can see Paul’s beautiful smile always and your Jimmy (from what I have read) sounds very similar!! You must talk and not bottle things up and try not to push people away, I did, and look back now with regret as they were only trying to help – and realise a lot of other people were grieving too – I was very selfish and still am with my grief - takes a lot of patience. It took me 4 years to rebuild my life and I am now with Alistair, my partner. I will never marry as will always be Paul’s wife and even though I met Alistair it is “different” – Paul is still my husband, my soul mate, my everything, but I have found comfort too which has helped me. You too, in time, will look towards a future which is not without Jimmy, he will always be a part of you, no-one but no-one can ever take him away from you, he’s with you all the time, in your heart, and you won’t ever lose that feeling as days, years drift by. I am giving you my email address and hope you write soon – Please take comfort in those around you at this very, very sad & difficult time. Thinking of you. Lorraine xx